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We are 100% funded by donations from churches and individuals who would like to be a part of the work of God in Costa Rica. If you want to support us on a monthly basis or send a one-time tax deductible gift you can send your check to our support address. Please click the link for the donor form if it is your first gift. You may indicate on this form if you are giving for a specific project


If you would like to give your tax deductible gift online you can make a one-time or recurring donation by clicking the Click&Give link below. Set up instructions for Click&Give can be found here.

Support Address:

Central Missionary Clearing House

P.O. Box 219228

Houston, TX 77218-9228


Phone: (281) 599-7411


*Please make checks payable to CMC.

DO NOT place my name on the check. Attach one of the following forms with your first donation. If you are an individual donor click here or if you are a church click here.



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